台糖公司精農事業部 Taiwan Sugar Corporation

台糖公司精農事業部 Taiwan Sugar Corporation

台糖公司精農事業部 | Taiwan Sugar Corporation
聯  絡  人: 傅仰明 FU, YANG-MING


No. 184, Wushulin, Houbi Dist., Tainan City 731022, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

聯絡電話: 06-6840152
傳  真: 06-6832253
電子信箱: a63537@Taisugar.com.tw
公司網址: http://www.taisugar.com.tw
主要栽培: 蝴蝶蘭、嘉德麗雅蘭、仙履蘭、石斛蘭、文心蘭、樹蘭

台糖公司精緻農業事業部組織架構分國內與國外,國內有烏樹林蘭場、南靖蘭場、大林蘭場及台東蘭場,主要生產蘭苗,埔里蘭場擔任末端催花,供應國內市場,目前栽種溫室面積為110,000㎡,另外牛埔仔約有18公頃專門生產火鶴及文心等花卉。國外部分有加拿大卑詩省 Abbotsford分公司、哥斯大黎加分公司及美國加州分公司,目前栽種溫室面積為80,171㎡。加拿大分公司及美國分公司向台灣母公司採購苗株為末端花卉市場之用,哥斯大黎加兼作種苗繁殖及育種,整體而言是台灣母公司海外通路之窗口。

Taiwan Sugar Corporation(TSC) is the first company in Taiwan to manage the orchid nurseries as industry since 1987. Taisuco Phalaenopsis is one of the major products in TSC Agri-Business Division. 
TSC has its own research institute, breeding and propagation centers. It has released many varieties carrying “Taisuco” in their botanical names since 1987, the year TSC first engaged in Phalaenopsis. These varieties are widely being used as breeding materials nowadays by many breeders in the world.
With its 110,000 square meters computer-controlled greenhouses, TSC produces millions of healthy and high quality mature phalaenopsis plants a year, 90% are exported to Japan, Canada, United States, and Europe countries for forcing flower. 
TSC has invested orchid pot-flower production branches in Canada and USA, and a phalaenopsis seedling production branch in Costa Rica. With the Headquarters in Taiwan and these facilities overseas, Taisuco Phalaenopsis has won its reputation and TSC has become a world-wide phalaenopsis supplier.