世芥蘭業有限公司 SOGO TEAM Co.,Ltd

世芥蘭業有限公司 SOGO TEAM Co.,Ltd

世芥蘭業有限公司 | SOGO TEAM Co.,Ltd
聯  絡  人: 馮將魁 Feng jiang-kui


No. 49-1, Xiaofen Ln., Zhongzheng Rd., Linluo Township, Pingtung County 909141, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 

聯絡電話: 08-7224598
傳  真:  
電子信箱: info@sogo-orchids.com.tw
主要栽培: 蝴蝶蘭

成立於1998年,世芥蘭業為專業之蝴蝶蘭種苗供應商,以SOGO-Orchids品牌行銷遍及歐洲、北美洲、拉丁美洲、亞洲及大洋洲,提供全球蝴蝶蘭專業生產者優質種苗,其中超迷你系列品種Little Lady,曾獲2006德國TASPO殊榮:”best newcomer-product in market niche-products”「最佳創新利基市場商品」,在全歐洲超迷你蝴蝶蘭市場佔有率最高。

Established in 1998, Sogo Team Co., Ltd. is a professional Phalaenopsis supplier. SOGO Team has marketed its excellent products worldwide, including Europe, America,  Asia and Oceania. Especially, we are in the leading position for the super-mini phalaenopsis market segmentation in Europe. The Little Lady – was honored to Our partner in Europe- the NEON Group, the “best newcomer-product in market niche-products” by TASPO in Germany, 2006. 
Now, SOGO-Orchids is capable of producing more than 10 million high quality plantlets per year.  With the variety know-how learned from its breeding & multiplication process, SOGO-Orchids is capable of producing the best quality of Phalaenopsis at flasks, young, mature & flowering plants of his varieties under the 50,000 m2 of greenhouses equipped with different facilities for different functions. 
Keeping ahead is our commitment, SOGO-Orchids is willing to establish the partners’ distributing network worldwide for Phalaenopsis based on its leading innovation of varieties and the commitment to the quality & stability of supplement. We believe the blooming passion of Phalaenopsis can be only achieved together with our partners worldwide.